Detention and Deportation

If you would like our immigration solicitors to represent you or a family member in a detention or removal case, please contact us by phone on 0203 909 8399 or online us online.

If you have been detained, require bail or are facing removal, Connaught Law will be there to assist you.  We understand that you and your family will be frightened and distressed.  You can count on us to work with the Home Office on your behalf, ensuring your case is heard and any issues properly addressed.

Procedure for Deportation from the UK

The UKVI will normally contact foreign nationals in prison or detention explaining that they are considering deportation. When this happens we assist in the following ways:

  • Completing the UKVI questionnaire on why deportation action should not be taken
  • Working with family members to assemble evidence of family life in the UK
  • Applying to obtain national insurance, medical, prison visiting or other official records to demonstrate the length of UK residence
  • Drafting statements from you and family members or other relevant members of the community

When a deportation order is made there is normally a right of appeal. It is crucial to seek legal advice quickly as there is only a short time in which to appeal against this decision. Our work challenging deportation orders includes the following:

  • Advocating on behalf of clients before the First Tier or Upper Tribunal
  • Taking statements from witnesses and the subject of the Deportation Order
  • Collecting and collating relevant evidence in support of the case
  • Preparing this evidence for court
  • Liaising with the court and complying with any directions made
  • Where relevant, instructing specialist external counsel

Defending & appealing deportation & removal orders

Our team of experienced and professionally qualified immigration solicitors and panel immigration barristers are able to able to advise as to all of the forms of relief and representations available to fight a deportation or removal order. We can assist you in challenging or appealing your deportation or removal order and consider the ways that you may stay in the UK or avoid a ban on you re-entering the country.

Both deportation orders and removal orders can be challenged by way of appeal to an Independent Immigration Judge if it is contrary to the United Kingdom’s obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).An illustration of this is Article 8ECHR (given effect by the Human Rights Act 1998) which can be divided into two parts. The first part states that everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life. The second part states that public authorities (such as the Home Office) must not interfere with this right unless to do so would be necessary, for specified purposes and in accordance with law. Regard may also be given to other relevant factors which constitute exceptional circumstances.

Our expert teamwork to challenge deportation and removal orders in the following ways:

  • Assessing the merits of challenging deportation or removal;
  • Assessing the lawfulness of your detention;
  • Putting forward, in the strongest possible terms, representations to the Home Office;
  • Appealing any negative decision by the Home Office;
  • Making an application for Judicial Review in the High Court challenging detention;

With your help, we ensure that we present the correct supporting evidence in the form of relevant documents which strengthen and support your application.

For further help or information Get In Touch

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