Settlement Agreements

For more information or to arrange a free, no-obligation discussion about your circumstances, please make an enquiry or contact our employment law team on 0203 909 8399

Settlement agreements are legally binding contracts which can be used to end an employment relationship on agreed terms. A settlement agreement can also be used to resolve an ongoing workplace dispute, for example, a dispute over holiday pay. These agreements can be proposed by either an employer or an employee, although it will normally be the employer.

If your employer wants you to give up your right to go to a tribunal, there are only two ways they can do this legally:

  • negotiate a COT3 agreement through Acas
  • get you to agree to a ‘settlement agreement’

A settlement agreement might involve your employer promising to pay you a sum of money, stop treating you unlawfully or both.

The settlement agreement is a legal contract between you and your employer – you both have to stick to it. Your employer is likely to want you to keep the agreement confidential.

Your employer will usually pay for you to get independent legal advice. This is because if you sign a settlement agreement without getting independent legal advice first, you’ll still be able to go to an employment tribunal.

Benefits of choosing Connaught Law

We pride ourselves on our commercial, but friendly down to earth approach. We understand the personal impact on you of being asked to sign a settlement agreement. We guide you through the process carefully at what we understand is often a difficult and stressful time; providing both advice and reassurance at every step of the way.

  • A free initial no obligation telephone consultation
  • A same day face to face consultation wherever possible.
  • We endeavour to work from the fees paid by your employer
  • Competitive fee structure
  • Commercially focused advice from our team of highly experienced lawyers
  • We cater for enquiries from all geographic locations

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