Minister of Religion
The Minister of Religion Visa is designed to allow religious ministers including missionaries or other members of the religious order to enter the UK and take up employment in a religious role within a faith community.
The Minister of Religion visa is designed for people outwith the EEA and Switzerland who meet various other eligibility criteria – many of which overlap with the Skilled Worker Visa. For example, you must have a Certificate of Sponsorship from a licensed Sponsor organisation before you are eligible to apply for your visa, and the work you plan on undertaking in the UK must be connected to the work of your sponsoring organisation.
Minister of Religion Visa requirements
The main eligibility criteria for Minister of Religion Visa applications are very similar to the Skilled Worker Visa requirements. You will need to have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship from your Sponsor organisation. You need to meet the English language requirement. And unless your Sponsor confirms during your application that they will maintain and accommodate you during your stay, you may need to prove you have adequate savings to support yourself and any dependents you plan on bringing with you to the UK.
Tier 2 Minister of Religion extension
The applicant cannot rely on the governing body’s endorsement they used in their initial application. They must provide a new endorsement with a new reference number.
Grant of leave
The applicant can stay up to a maximum time of 6 years who entered the UK under the rules in place after 6 April 2011. The maximum period does not apply to applicants who initially entered Tier 2 (General) on or before 5 April 2011.
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Connaught Law is a specialist firm of immigration solicitors and advisers based in London, and our team have the knowledge and experience required to handle every kind of immigration case – from providing initial advice to document preparation and application submission.
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